public relations of regional police having a morning coffee with the pers

public relations of regional police having a morning coffee with the pers

Palangkaraya – Police of Central Kalimantan. Central Kalimantan Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police. Dr.Dedi Prasetyo, M.Hum., M.Sc., M.M., through the Chief of District Police Commissioner, Hendra Rochmawan, S.I.K., M.H., held a morning coffee at Soto Kwali Restaurant Tjilik Riwut Street Km.01 Palangka Raya city, Tuesday morning (06/16/2020).

The activity which was accompanied by the Director General of Police Commissioner Dedi Wiratmo, S.I.K was held in order to discuss the village of abstinence and 74th Bhayangkaras’ Day. In this rectangular room, law enforcement officers and members of the pers look familiar with each other. While enjoying the menu provided,they did not hesitate to discuss a number of problems faced during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Moreover, they have been trying to support Central Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Pol.Dr.Dedi Prasetyo, M.Hum, M.Sc., M.M., about the formation of the village of abstinence which held in the Central Kalimantan Regional Police.

On this occasion, the chief of public relations stated that, every activity held must be immediately published. “The sooner this news is uploaded, the better quality of the news increase,” said the Head of the District Secretary.

Regarding the vilage of abstinence, the chief of PR explained that there were three categories raised including fire fighting villages, food barns villages, and preventing the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the community.

The 74 th Bhayangkaras’ Day, which will be held on July 1, the Chief of Public Relations of the Regional Police ordered journalists to report positive things about the National Police, including meme-making competitions, short videos and innovative tools for forest and land fires.

“I, as the Chief of Public Relations of Regional Police, utter appreciation to my media colleagues about the news about the Covid-19 pandemic. Because the news delivered can provide calmness during this outbreak” he concluded.

Reporter: Septy/ Hadiboy
